The Story of artScamp

We met in 2002 when Nina signed up for a welding class KT was teaching at a metal shop in Venice. We quickly bonded over our mutual way of approaching the maker arts: Exploration, process and joy are the main goals, what you end up with is the icing on the cake. Plus also — kick ass ladies with TOOLS.
Fast forward to 2009, our friendship had gelled into something more than a shared passion for creating. KT invited Nina to come “make some sh**” up in San Anselmo at her sister Joani’s house. Picture this: full on crafting for a week, with the luxury of time and space to create in a continuum. We left our stuff out for days (big thanks to Joani’s husband, Bruce, who indulged us, or at least was kind enough not to kick us out!), we dabbled in one thing until something else caught our eye, we inspired each other with our “this is so crazy it just might work” attitude. We carved rubber stamps, dyed fabrics, mixed cement, made paper, cooked amazing meals and ate together, went hiking and had a lot of ice cream…It was like summer camp but with no schedule, no agenda, no-one telling us “you’re doing it wrong”. We wanted…needed…this in our lives on the regular!
And there, on the table in Joani’s dining room, artScamp was born! It took us ten years to get to the point of creating a space to share with our community, and we are so excited to do that now —and for you to join us in our shenanigans.
ArtScamp is a space for creating and companionship — for working with our hands and spending time together in person. We think the world could use a little more of both. So come get messy with us, show us your favorite tools, tell us what gets you excited to make things, and share a cuppa.
You can check out what is happening at the studio on our instagram page,

or shoot us a note and give us your suggestions using the form on the contact page.
Nina & KT
PS Please sign up for our mailing list so we can update you with new gatherings & workshops.

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